Sunday, October 26, 2003

Weekend Project
I spent a good bit of time this weekend on a satire project that is indebted to the children's game "Where's Waldo?" I'm calling it "Where's WMD?" Because I'm going the cheap route, I can't post it here, but if I get around to adding an email link, anyone wanting to search for Weapons of Mass Destruction--and, uh, some of the principles involved--can request a copy. I am assuming that because it is satire that there will be no legal issues involved. And, anyone who wants can modify it, or create their own Where's WMD? picture. Disclaimer: I'm not much of a Photoshopper, and the version I have is pretty old, but I had some fun and will probably send it around to a few trusted critics before offering it up. It's not large, but neither is it a small file (462K .jpeg). See how many policy makers you can find, while searching for yellowcake (nuclear), Clorox (chemical), and a Petri Dish of Anthrax (biological). Osama even makes an appearance...

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