Friday, November 07, 2003

I've posted a lot about Iraq, because I feel strongly about it being a defining issue of our day, i.e., does the United States become a fascist nation, or will we overcome the efforts of the neo-cons?

Iraq isn't the only interest I have. I try to stop by Al Giordano's web site more or less daily, even if he sometimes doesn't (and I don't mean that as disrespectful in any way--this guy is tremendous). Today I came across a recent post, notable if only for the title: Fact-Checking the Right-Wing Motherfuckers. Please read if you have a chance.

Of late, I've been a little derelict in keeping up with the news of the truly deep south. However, interesting things happen en centro y sudamerica. We should pay attention, especially those of us in Louisiana--New Orleans and Baton Rouge would benefit from economic improvement in the region. Or, we can ignore it to our peril.

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