Monday, February 16, 2004

In His Own Little World

For three years, I've been seeing reports that Bush might be dyslexic. After seeing this, though, I wonder if he might actually be autistic:

CNN reports that Bush, in Florida for the 19th time in his term,

[argued that] his tax cuts are helping the economy and suggesting Democrats would endanger America's fiscal health by raising taxes...

Bush said the country is recovering from its economic downturn. He blamed the recession, corporate scandals, and the 2001 terrorist attacks for the problem, but said his policies turned the economy around.

Is Bush from Planet Clair? Seriously, we've got someone pretty far removed from reality for his "policies" turning the economy around--hell, if I suddenly got myself multiple platinum credit cards and started to charge away, I'D certainly see a temporary bump in my own economic outlook--at least until the bills came due.

Bush apparently hasn't the slightest idea of what he's doing with his massive deficits. Sure, they'll give a bump to the economy in the same way that..let's see, what a reference Dubya will understand? Oh yeah--they'll give the economy a bump in the same way that a quarter ounce of mostly rock white powder will help a Texas Souffle party all night long...provided he doesn't get to "work" until noon...pull out your razor blade, Dubya!

My own guess is that, owing to a lifetime of privilege, Dubya Bush must barely know how to sign a check, much less actually pay a bill. THAT'S why he thinks credit card finance is "good for the economy:" because SOMEONE ELSE, namely, the next generation, will have to pay for his party...

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