Thursday, February 26, 2004


Don't quote me, but I think that's the martial art where you use your opponents' strength against them. TalkLeft, via Billmon, found a political version of this on the official Bush website--on principle, I refuse to link to Dubya's site, but you can get there from the TalkLeft link above.

Summary: At the Bush web site, there is a search engine for your local newspapers. Enter your Zip Code, and every paper in the region is displayed. You can check off as many as you wish, then add a subject line and the text of your email.

For the record, The Advocate rarely if ever prints an email on the letters page. But it can't hurt to write them (or you own local paper) anyway. Besides, it means you've forced the Bush website/server to work, if only just a bit, towards their own downfall.

Ain't technology grand?

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