Thursday, March 11, 2004

More State Secrets Revealed

The GOP is throwing a hissy fit over John Kerry's remark that they are "the most crooked, you know, lying group of people I've ever seen."

The designated crybabies from the Bush team were Mark Racicot and Scott Stanzel. Racicot, as some may recall, hauled water during the election controversy back in 2000. Stanzel I don't know much about. But remember:

This is the administration that allowed Ken Lay, Chairman of Enron, to essentially write energy policy.
This is the administration that is gutting the Clean Air Act.
This is the administration that is cutting taxes for the rich during wartime--something never done in the history of the country.
This is the administration that lied about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq.
This is the administration that stonewalled the 9/11 commission--and was asleep at the wheel prior to the attack.
This is the administration that outed a CIA agent for purposes of partisan retribution.
This is the pResident who callously announced "Bring 'em on" when asked about the deaths of US soldiers.
This is the administration that developed A.D.D. during the hunt for bin Laden, only to rediscover their lost toy in time for the 2004 election.
This is the pResident who pranced around on an aircraft carrier in a flight suit and announced Mission Accomplished when in fact the mission was just beginning--the ultimate flip-flop.
This is the administration whose vice-president is on the payroll of the biggest private defense contractor of the war.
This is the administration that won't even level with the public regarding the actual costs of war, choosing to push "supplemental" budgets to cover the Iraq war's skyrocketing costs.

And this isn't list isn't even complete. Racicot and Stanzel ought to be grateful that their political party is in complete control of government; otherwise, the frogmarches and perp walks would become a regular feature on the news shows. Most crooked, lying?--that's an understatement.

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