Friday, April 30, 2004

Rogue's Gallery

Talking Points Memo and The New York Times both have something to say about Joe Wilson's book. It's the latest effort to appeal to some semblence of reason as opposed to those who believe Bush has been ordained by the almighty to preside over the final days.

Sometimes a picture tells a thousand words. Here are the mug shots of Scooter Libby, Elliot Abrams, and Karl "Carlos the Jackal" Rove. You can almost visualize them being asked to step forward, turn to one side then the other, and state their name while a sweating Robert Novak tries his best to hide a nervous tic while protesting that he doesn't "really know much about anything."

"C'mon, Bob, we're counting on you. You're the only eyewitness," the precinct captain intones.

Well, there's always the chance that John Walsh might show some interest.

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