Friday, May 21, 2004

We're Not Blaming America--We're Blaming George W. Bush

Unfortunately, I'm missing out on a "free speech zone" experience this morning. Some folks will be on the Parade Grounds protesting the pResident, and I'm a little surprised they'll even be that close. I thought the police would push the protest over to the levee, if not Port Allen.

Damn. There's no way I could get away from the office this morning. We've got folks out, and I'm on call, which precludes discretionary leave. Oh well. It looks like there might be some local media coverage of the protesters.

But since I'm stuck here---

This CNN story about Nancy Pelosi's remarks caught my eye. I'm sure anyone stopping by has some idea of what Pelosi said--which is the truth. Bush is incompetent. The real revelation here is the reaction of people like Tom "minorities-took-my-place-in-the-army" DeLay. Tom's got his chickenhawk self all worked into a snoot, and accused Pelosi of putting American lives at risk with her statement. Ed Gillespie whines that it's a "blame america first" position.

No, it isn't.

It's a blame George W. Bush position. Um, Tom, Ed--your leader is the one responsible for the mess in Iraq. And it's time he admitted it. Roughly one year ago, when prancing around on the USS Abraham Lincoln, Bush was more than ready to wrap himself up in the "success" of the mission. But, as they say, defeat is an orphan.

Idiots like Gillespie and DeLay can't seem to get through their thick skulls the fact that we've LOST the war. It doesn't matter how many statues you topple or how lightning quick an assault is. The war is lost because it's clear that the Iraqi people detest our presence. And, after seeing images like this, can you blame them?

Under these circumstances, it is totally reasonable to question the wisdom--or lack thereof--of those that created the conditions in which we find ourselves. Suggesting otherwise is ridiculous and a little disturbing. Pelosi isn't causing harm to the military--Bush is. He's the one who signed off on the folly that is our Middle East policy.

Gillespie and DeLay actually sound more desperate than anything else...

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