Thursday, July 22, 2004


It'd be nice if The New York Times would make Barbara Ehrenreich a regular columnist...

Check out her latest Op-ed, linked to above, regarding reproductive rights. She notes that even as "abortion for convenience" (which is truly a misnomer) continues to be stigmatized, abortion for reasons relating to the pre or post natal health of the fetus is now considered a normal part of the process. Indeed, it is.

Someone whom I don't know very well, but do know, chose to terminate a pregnancy when it became clear that the fetus had serious health problems that would have almost certainly resulted in stillbirth or death within hours--if not minutes--of delivery. If you ask me, it was the right decision. Hell, even in the absence of severe fetal health issues, abortion is a matter of a woman choosing whether or not she is ready physically and mentally to have a child--and then raise a child. The only input on behalf of the state should be to ensure that options exist either way--either pre-natal care, or abortion services--in a safe environment.

I've said this before, but, I'll repeat: I believe that the rights of an adult human being will ALWAYS outweigh the rights of a fetus. And choice literally means CHOICE.

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