Thursday, July 08, 2004

Ridge: Sky to Fall--Not Sure When, Where, or How--But it WILL Fall

Oh--and is it just me, or has Blogger been unbelievably frustrating of late. Sure, work's been keeping me busy too--yesterday's upgrade project, um, failed, to be honest. Then again, you'd think Dell MIGHT do something logical like note prominently on their website the issue with PowerPath, Microsoft Cluster Service, and Windows 2003 Enterprise Server Upgrade, considering that PowerPath is central to the cluster service...but I promised myself an hour ago that I was through slamming doors and kicking walls for today...

I dunno--maybe the folks at Blogger are going through the same shit. But it's still as maddening as hell when you lose several posts and/or can't even get to the interface.

OK--onto the real subject of this post. Tom "Chickenlittle" Ridge is rebleating the same tired line that Asscrossed trotted out a month or so ago: dastardly Al Qaedans are plotting against the United States. Gee, Tom--are you next going to tell me that the sun will "almost certainly" rise in the east tomorrow morning? Ridge went on to note that they don't have anything specific, and therefore the color "terror code" won't change.

Then Tom cried "wolf."

That Al Qaeda wants to attack us is--um--GLARINGLY OBVIOUS. I mean, geez, I think even George W. Bush might be able to grasp that tidbit of information. Unfortunately, instead of taking genuine steps to counter the threat, Bush and company produced--a color wheel. A color wheel that they don't even use anymore. As for providing funding for agencies that might actually protect areas like ports, industrial and physical plants, chemical facilities, and so on--well, I guess that's all been diverted to Iraq--because surely the terrorists will go there now, right?

God, what a bunch of idiots.

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