Friday, September 17, 2004

Iraq the Vote

Off topic, but: I took advantage of the day off yesterday to handle some chores around my apartment--my home might be my castle, but since I live alone, I'm both king and serf. However, I did have time to stop by a few websites to see what all's happening. First, I'll shout out to everyone in New Orleans--thank the gods the Crescent City was spared the worst of Ivan. At the same time, prayers and mantras go out to those along the Gulf Coast where the storm vented its fury.

Without trying to detract from the devastation wrecked by the hurricane, but if you happened to watch Nightline on Tuesday, you can't help but see similarities between the destruction in Najaf and the aftermath of the storm. Nature of course can't be controlled, but the damage done by the assault should lay waste any claim by the warmongers that the Iraq war will ever be considered a success. To paraphrase the famous line, you don't destroy cities in order to save them.

In this light, a report (that I'm sure most of y'all have heard about) from the National Intelligence Estimate that paints what at best could be considered a bleak picture. Noting that the situation on the ground would likely range from "tenuous" to "civil war" isn't exactly Mission Accomplished--which might be why Scott McClellan endorsed the principle of flip-flopping, or, as he put it, "flexibility."

More good news out of Iraq includes the kidnapping of three civilian contractors--two Americans and a British national, along with a suicide bombing in Baghdad, which killed at least thirteen people. In Fallujah, airstrikes killed upwards of sixty people and injured lord knows how many, thus proving that smart bombs are just as capable of wanton destruction as plain old dumb bombs. The "Coalition Press Information Center" (how's that for an Orwellian-style name?) claimed the dead were all allied with Abu Musab Al Zarqawi, who I guess is rivaling Moqtada Al-Sadr as the Emmanuel Goldstein of the New Iraq. How did the "Coalition Press Information Center" KNOW they were allied with Zarqawi? Hmmm. It doesn't say. I wonder if yet another old aphorism from the Vietnam Era has reared its ugly head: if they're dead they're [enemy].

In New Jersey, a woman who's son was killed in Iraq "heckled" (CNN's term) First Lady Laura Bush, who was stumping for her husband. Apparently Sue Neiderer had the temerity inquire as to when Mrs. Bush's daughters would enlist to help fight this glorious battle. Ms. Niederer was promptly arrested--I guess she'll be charged with exercising her First Amendment rights outside of a "free speech zone."

Kofi Annan apparently found where he left his spine, declaring that the war in Iraq was "illegal," prompting an international tut-tut from Coalition of the Willing--well, actually the US and Britain. I think Australia and Poland made some noise as well, but let's be realistic as to exactly who runs the show. Annan will likely put his spine back in the closet, especially as Dubya plans on addressing the General Assembly next Tuesday.

Not that it would make any difference whatsoever, but I'd love it if the delegates would simply walk out on Bush--after all, Bush has given the UN the finger since January 21, 2001.

Finally here, take a look at the last two installments of The Rude Pundit's plan for destroying (politically) George W. Bush. I won't put words into his mouth, but one element of his strategy is to point out the difference between the coalition that fought in Gulf War I versus the pathetic Coalition of the Willing that Bush II managed to cobble together. I note this because I keep wondering why the press doesn't ask two obvious questions whenever Bush II mouths off about how many countries are participating--one, how many total soldiers are provided by countries OTHER than England, Italy, and Poland, and two, how many countries in the coalition are officially Arabic speaking?

Kuwait is the sole Arabic speaking country officially "with us," in Iraq--although they're providing no soldiers. Coalition partners other than England, Italy, and Poland make up less than one tenth of the total forces (and slightly less than half of the non-US contingent--and the source is a right wing site). That's NOT a genuine coalition--that's window dressing.

So Bush will holler (when he's not mumbling) about how "my opponent" actually changes his mind when confronted by reality--but make no mistake: Bush Blundered, and he blundered badly. And it's a sign of his utter arrogance and inability to empathize that will have him sacrifice more American lives for simply political expediency--so he doesn't have to admit that he made a mistake. Imagine that and think: would YOU willingly send people to die just to save face? Would you vote for someone who does?


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