Thursday, September 23, 2004

More Items the Democrats Should Use in Advertising

In a post below, I wrote about concepts I'd like to see the Democrats use in their teleivision advertising. Murph, who writes Life Goes Off (check out a great post about our press corps there), alerted me to at least one ad the Dems ARE running that's pretty similar to one I suggested. Good, but for whatever reason, no one is talking about it--at least not like the incessant blather the SCLM devotes to the Lying Swift Boat Veterans.

With the election about six weeks away, WHY aren't the Democrats working with this appalling example of the kind of stuff George W. Bush finds funny--namely, the entire WND snipe hunt? He's willing to see more than a thousand soldiers DIE over what became a punchline at a black-tie dinner.

Think about this: since the war began, Bush has donned a flight-suit costume, barked "Mission Accomplished" and "bring 'em on," cracked JOKES about WMD--while soldiers in the field face mortar and RPG attacks, IED's, and now good old fashioned ambushes and/or close quarter combat. Finally, in a stunning display of arrogance, Bush wouldn't own up to a single mistake he's made, which evidently means he thinks "Mission Accomplished," "bring 'em on," and wars being fought over what become jokes at a formal dinner are just fine.

There's every reason to point this out to the public--and let the public judge for themselves.

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