Monday, November 01, 2004


I'll suggest two posts from Hullabaloo, and the link should allow each to be accessed in order.

The first post, Notes on Turnout, has a couple of strong paragraphs that are worth citing in their entirety:

The underlying fact that cannot be ignored by Democrats and moderates of all stripes is that they stole the goddam election last time and then governed like they'd won in a landslide. They rubbed our noses in it for four long years with a far right agenda, treating us like shit every single step of the way. Apparently, they believed their own ridiculous hype and convinced themselves that we would just roll over and take it. They were wrong.

It didn't have to be this way. 9/11 could have wiped the whole thing out if Junior had behaved even slightly as the president of the entire country instead of just his base. They made their bed...

If it is fear and loathing of George W. Bush that made that happen, so be it. The modern Republican Party will rue the day they pushed us to our limit. Their hubristic dreams of a permanent majority are dead. We are going to crush them with our numbers.

About the only thing I can add is "hear, hear!"

Digby's previous post, Here's Johnny, offers "reason number 5,769,438 not to vote for George W. Bush," that is, the Justice Department signing off on the voter challenges in Ohio. Two U.S. District Judges in Ohio have blocked attempts by the GOP to systematically intimidate voters there (the GOP is trying a last minute appeal--funny how all their railing against "trial lawyers" goes out the window when they decide to bring something to court).

So, Asscrossed is trying to limit the franchise--why am I not surprised? The GOP knows very well that increased voter turnout will end their dreams of running the show. The fact that the Democrats haven't been more active in getting non-voters registered--and voting--is shameful. The DLC "Republican Lite" strategy might have put Clinton in the White House, but it damn near wrecked the party.

If Kerry wins--and I'm starting to think he will--these new voters will be the folks providing his margin of victory. And Kerry would do well to listen to their agenda, which includes but is not limited to: providing good jobs at good pay, decent and affordable healthcare, a progressive tax structure that helps states with education and public works funding, and an end to the ridiculous war in Iraq--a war which is both dumb strategically and tactically.

As I scan the latest headlines, it looks like this one is going Democratic--polls show "a neck and neck" race--and, given what is known about polling methods, that's got to be good news for Kerry.

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