Thursday, April 07, 2005

Told You So

From Ben. Dana Milbank reports on round II of the Wesley Clark/Richard Perle deathmatch joint appearance before the House Armed Services Committee--Richard, with some questionable judgement calls, apparently won round I two years ago, but General (ret.) Clark scored a number of body blows in round II. Additionally, Perle was gang tackled by his purported allies (GOPers) on the panel. Milbank noted he probably wasn't expecting the blindsides, given that he waddled in (Perle and Dennis Hastert probably can't ride the same elevator, lest they exceed the listed weight limit) carting a copy of Kitchen Confidential. And I'll mention for the record that Perle, like any good rat, scampered for the lifeboats at the first sign of listing with Operation Go Cheney Ourselves aka the Iraqi invasion.

Anyway, check it out. And I wonder if any of the fine dining establishment evidently frequented by Mr. Perle offer expertly prepared crow, with a side of humble pie.

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