Thursday, May 26, 2005

Freedom, One Casualty at a Time

There are a couple of folks who occasionally stop by my humble blog who don't necessarily read big leaguers--so, for their benefit, I'm providing a link to this Daily Kos diary--Diane--who has an appropriate post for the upcoming holiday, titled One Hundred Names You Won't Hear This Memorial Day:

On Monday we will celebrate Memorial Day, the one day of the year when President Bush actually has to acknowledge our otherwise officially-invisible war dead...

It is precisely because Memorial Day brings home to us the uniqueness and value of every life that one group of war dead will be conspicuous by their absence from all our commemorations: and that is the many thousands of Iraqis we have killed since March 2003. Because who really wants to be reminded that at least 20,000 and perhaps as many as 100,000 Iraqis - people just like us - are dead today because of a war we should never have started?

Their names will never be engraved on the Mall, and their faces will never warrant a spread in the Washington Post, but I will commemorate here 100 or so of those Iraqis who, thanks to us, made the "ultimate sacrifice" whether they wished it or not.

The post notes that it contains graphic images. For me, though, the real obscenity is the callous indifference those who thisted for war have for the consequences, particularly those who, without the slightest degree of irony, invoke suffering by the Iraqi people as justification for hostilities.

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