Friday, May 27, 2005

What the Pentagon MEANT to Say...

Yahoo News/David Corn offer A Tale of Two Pentagon Press Briefings.

Briefing Number 1:

MR. DI RITA: We've found nothing that would substantiate precisely -- anything that you just said about the treatment of a Koran. We have -- other than what we've seen, that it's possible detainees themselves have done with pages of the Koran -- and I don't want to overstate that either because it's based on log entries that have to be corroborated.

Briefing Number 2:

We did identify 13 incidents of alleged mishandling of the Koran by Joint Task Force personnel. Ten ot those were by a guard and three by interrogators.

We found that in only five of those 13 incidents, four by guards and one by an interrogator, there was what could be broadly defined as mishandling of a Koran. None of these five incidents was a result of a failure to follow standard operating procedures in place at the time the incident occurred.

Corn ends by noting Team Bush, they of the cult of life, are strangely silent about life being taken with government funds in brutally repressive ally in the GWOT Uzbekistan. Hmmm.

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