Monday, June 27, 2005

Positively Solzhenitsynish

After reading this, you'd think it was straight out of The Gulag Archipeligo:

...prisoners awaiting interrogation were made to lie face down for several hours in the main corridor and forbidden to raise their heads or make a sound. They lay this way, prayer, until the guard touched a shoulder and took them off to interrogation...

[the woman] was transferred to [another location]. In the admitting office, a [female] jailer ordered her to undress, allegedly for a medical examination, took away her clothes, and locked her in a "box" naked. At that point the men jailers began to peer through the peephole and [talk about] her...with loud laughs...

During [another] interrogation, the interrogator, a woman, undressed in front of him...all the time continuing the interrogation as if nothing were going on. She walked about the room and came close to him and tried to get him to give in...

Intimidation through enticement and lies was the fundamental method for bringing pressure on the relatives of the arrested person when they were called in to give testimony...

Playing on one's affection for [family]...was the most effective of all methods of intimidation...

Sound effects...The prisoner is deafened; sometimes he actually loses his sense of hearing...

A cigarette is put out on the [detainee's] skin...

[one prisoner] was forced to remain seated on a stool in the corridor [for hours]...

[another was forced] to stand on his knees--not in some figurative sense, but literally: on his knees, without sitting back on his heels, and with his back upright...

Sleeplessness (combined with standing, thirst, bright light)...[it] left no visible marks and could not provide grounds for complaint...

Punishment cells...There were various aspects to punishment cells--...for instance, dampness and water...

Beatings-of a kind that leave no marks. They use rubber truncheons... wooden mallets and small sandbags.


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