Friday, December 02, 2005

Caution: Lunatics Ahead

From Firedoglake I followed a chain of links chronicling a BBC interview with Judith Miller--the last one is evidently a full transcript. Excuse me while I undergo a ritual cleansing...[pause]

OK, I'm back--let's look at some of the lowlights--no, on second thought, let's not. Feel free to look on your own--and keep plenty of towels handy for your own ritual cleansing...and maybe a bucket.

However, Why Are We Back in Iraq does have a few things worth noting at the end:

Aside from the fact that this is the first time Judith Miller has faced some hard questioning in front of the camera since returning from prison, this interview is "newsworthy" for the sort-of apologies Judy offers (notice how she piles on the CIA for being wrong but not the President) and a teensy bit of information she adds about who else spoke to her about Plame other than Libby.

Judy clearly says that her sources were plural...that's new...and she sure clammed up when Rove's name came up.

It seems that Judy Miller has decided to adopt the Bush doctrine: pretend that two-and-a-half years ago absolutely every single person in the world - not to mention the entire intelligence community - was in agreement about Saddam Hussein's weapon arsenal. Isn't it supposed to be elephants that never forget?

Faulty memory and heavy reliance on technicalities--I guess that's what "changing the tone" really meant to them.

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