Thursday, December 08, 2005

Lies, Damn Lies...and George W. Bush

Dan Froomkin takes note of all kinds of dirt--and god knows what else--Team Bush threw under the rug when their dear leader did his speechifying yesterday:

Some American journalists intent on fact-checking President Bush's vision of Iraq are finding it too dangerous to inspect the areas Bush yesterday cited as models of success.

Which sort of tells you the story right there.

While conceding that American efforts to rebuild Iraq have been flawed at times, Bush nevertheless yesterday touted the effectiveness of reconstruction projects in Najaf and Mosul in particular as examples of the "quiet, steady progress" transforming the country.

So how are those projects really doing? Hard to say.

It's too dangerous to allow visitors to inspect them freely, Rick Barton of the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington told James Glanz of the New York Times. "I bet if we could get around and see these places that they would not be the story that he's telling," Barton said.

Check out the whole piece know, I'm really beginning to wonder...either this administration is the biggest gang of liars, cynics, crooks, synchophants, etc.--or they're all so hopped up on some sort of superdrug that they haven't got the first clue. If it's the latter, man, that must be some powerful stuff.

Changing the subject just a bit, I saw this at some site calling itself Eschaton--maybe you're heard of it: An interview with Mike Wallace, father of professional shithead Chris Wallace. Mike apparently has a few more functioning brain cells than junior (hmmm...sort of like another father/son combination). Here's what he'd ask Shrubusto, if given the chance:

What in the world prepared you to be the commander in chief of the largest superpower in the world? In your background, Mr. President, you apparently were incurious. You didn't want to travel. You knew very little about the military. . . . The governor of Texas doesn't have the kind of power that some governors have. . . . Why do you think they nominated you? . . . Do you think that has anything to do with the fact that the country is so [expletive] up?

Guess that's why Wallace the elder isn't going to get an exclusive any time soon.

I wonder though, what sort of response his question would elicit? I guess it depends on whether or not the dauphin was or wassn't whacked out on the aforementioned superdrug.

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