Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Rinse, Repeat

Patrick Cockburn has a couple of articles up at Counterpunch that are worth a look--The Beginning of the End focuses on the disintegrating Iraqi nation while 1000 Days of Getting It Wrong looks at the Bush contribution to this mess--the latter noting the dauphin's penchant for stepping in shit at every opportunity.

Despite the much hyped "plan" distributed in .pdf form , it's pretty apparent there is no plan--as evidenced by Shrubleroy's quote below that I took from WIIIAI: "I think we are welcomed. But it was not a peaceful welcome." For all the bloviating about "plans," and, much more important for them, the simultaneous sliming--with lies--of anyone taking a reality based approach to the situation, it's clear they don't have a clue. Their "plan" is little more than a circular argument: we'll win because we say we'll win...while their own acknowledgement of reality is reflected in the distinct lack of participation on the part of their eligible-for-military-service syncophants and children.

There IS no plan for victory--none. If there WAS a plan, they'd be shouting it from the mountaintops. The only "plan" is to hang on as long as they can, and hope the public doesn't object too loudly about the body count.

Which, come to think of it, is like their "plan" for the Gulf Coast.

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