Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Apres Le Deluge...

I've been reading some interesting things regarding the latest news on the NOLA rebuilding plan, both from the Pic (hat tip to YRHT)--more here--and Scout Prime, currently posting at First Draft:

The main author of the plan, Joseph Canizaro, says the commission will propose that the city should discourage homeowners from rebuilding in the hardest-hit areas, but will not forbid them from doing so.

Scout refers us to two BBC stories--in the first, the sadly appropriate description "nuked" is used to describe hard hit areas of the city. We are also directed to this profile of Canizaro...well, I guess I shouldn't be all that surprised, but it's likewise never fun to be troubled by a resume like his--although it warmed me just a bit to see this from the Pic:

Harvey Bender, point[ed] his finger at members of the Bring New Orleans Back Commission and accus[ed] Joseph Canizaro, the urban planning committee chairman and a prominent New Orleans developer, of plotting to take land from people.

"I don't know you, but Mr. Canizaro, I hate you," Bender said. "You've been in the background scheming to take our land."

Another resident, Caroline Parker, said: "I don't think it's right that you take our properties. Over my dead body."


To be fair, there's an awful lot of stuff being floated (no pun intended)--green space, light rail, industrial zones--something tells me Shrub's visit tomorrow will be heavy on VERY general promises (i.e., things he can easily back away from without so much as a whimper from the national press corpse). And, c'mon, some of the proposals, at first glance, give me almost a Christmas-like feeling (particularly when light rail is brought up--yes! yes! yes!).

However, it's good that Scout is warning us about Canizaro--and, by extension, the feds themselves, because, well, I don't trust the bastards. Even as Shrub goes on the charm offensive--emphasis on "offensive"--tomorrow, the GOP's attempting to play politics by launching a recall drive against Blanco. Don't think for a second these are unrelated. Blanco is getting Swift Pirogue'd. The end result of their conniving could well be exactly what true lovers of NOLA fear--and genuine creeps like the GOP desire--New Disneyleans...a GOP New Disneyleans (with all that it entails).

So, let the debate begin--and, even as the city NEEDS--and NEEDS RIGHT NOW--essential repairs--a good, LONG discussion about things like neighborhoods IS a good thing.

Cat 5 storm protection, restoration of coastal wetlands, levee repair/reconstruction, and like improvements CAN AND SHOULD BEGIN IMMEDIATELY--there's nothing to debate about THAT. But neighborhoods, individual property holders, and even tenants shouldn't be forced into a bullshit deal.

And bullshit deals, almost invariably, get pushed through quickly by bullshit artists.

Given that the government is being run by the Picassos of bullshit artists, I think it'd be wise to hold off before signing off on anything they propose.

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