Monday, March 06, 2006

Here's to the State of South Dakota*

Even as their wingnut dreams of flightsuited, codpieced, Mission Accomplished, manly prancings on aircraft carrier decks become just so much battiness from the past, they'll continue to ramrod their own fundie agenda here at home:

South Dakota Gov. Mike Rounds signed a bill Monday that bans nearly all abortions in the state, legislation in direct conflict with the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion in 1973.

The new law defines life as originating "at the time of conception."

I'm guessing most of y'all stopping by already know the particulars of the bill: EXPLICITLY NO EXCEPTIONS for rape or incest, and only the tiniest, grudging allowance for abortion in the event a woman's life is in danger.

As for life originating "at the time of conception," well, FDL once again notes something YRHT posted about a while back:

...between 60 and 80 percent of all naturally conceived embryos are simply flushed out in a woman's normal menstrual cycle in the first 7 days after fertilization.

Those who take what Amanda Marcotte correctly calls the anti-women position (because they're NOT "pro-life") never mention this. They never piously fall upon their knees in prayer, they never write long-winded paeans, in fact they don't do a goddamned thing...which speaks volumes.

Their overriding concern has been, and always will be, limiting the rights of women, and faux concern for "the unborn child" is merely a convenient mask.

Hullabaloo has more on this as well.

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