Friday, July 14, 2006

If "Fitzmas" is for Criminal Indictments...

What then to call the civil suit?

Full disclosure here: I recently discovered that this humble blog is actually the answer to a trivia question--namely, it's where the first recognized use of the term "Fitzmas" appeared...some nine months ago (who-hoo...with a big thanks to Attaturk--my "post" was a one sentence link to an exceptional, ahem, Fitzmas carol). Yeah, I know...that and a paid-up Metro card will get me a free ride on a New York subway or bus (but still, a humble blogger can dream, can't he? "I'll take indictments for $500, Alex").

Anyway...with that in mind, I stumbled through a few non-starters: Plamezaa, Wilsonukkah...but I don't know, they just didn't seem to have the proper je n'sai quoi.

But maybe I'm looking at the wrong holiday--after all, it's the, um, 14th of July...hmmm...Plamestille--or, if you prefer, Wilstille--Day? Ah, I dunno.

Feel free to create your catches on, someone might notice.

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