Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The Few, the Proud, the 60 Year Old Marines

"I didn't know they stacked shit that high!"

From Steve Gilliard a report that at least one of the Individual Ready Reserve Marines involuntarily called into service is 60 years old

by theophilus
Wed Aug 23, 2006 at 06:07:40 AM PDT

My parents live in a gated condo complex in the DC area, and are friendly with the gatehouse guard, a Vietnam vet who served in the Navy Seals and in the Marines. The fellow, who is in his early 60's, was in special units that had lifetime call-up provisions.

Well, now the Marines have called him up. For combat operations. In Fallujah.

So it's come to this. Our nation is now so desparate for recruits that we're not only forcing recent enlistees back for another tour, we are now forcing grandfathers back onto the battlefield?

This is what losing nations do when desperate, what happens when military adventures go so bad that all the healthy soldiers are killed. Maybe next we will be sending 14 year-olds and amputees as well?

The fellow in question is mostly healthy--he only has a bad back. And the Marines have apparently told him that if his back worsens, he will be allowed to come home again. How sweet of the Marines. How considerate.

Come to think of it, I believe the preznut is 60 years old, too. And last I checked, the doctors gave HIM a clean bill of health.

And it's not like he's doing much of anything productive anyway.

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