Monday, October 23, 2006

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It starts at the "top" (well, at least officially, although the REAL apex of the slag heap--Big Time--is equally capable of flat-out lying/denying reality while maintaining a straight face). I mean, what the hell else can you call it when:

Shrub insists he's never been for "staying the course" with Operation Enduring Clusterfuck...which is, once again, more than living up to its name.

It's official: "arrogance and stupidity" can earn you a severe reprimand if, as a State Department Official, you use them to describe US Middle East policy. I'm beginning to think, though, that the reason for the sudden turnaround is sort of like the old joke Khrushchev used to tell: you don't reveal state secrets.

Another couple of Billmon masterpieces look at the ever more absurd pronouncements re: Iraq (note the update at the bottom: Team Bush can't keep their storyline straight) and the politics of perversity, a GOP staple.

And, while they're in denial re: Iraq, and in full, lurid, voyeuristic mode re: sex and politics, one thing that seems to be swept under the rug is...the Gulf Coast, which, while one of the more VISIBLE indications of Team Bush failure domestically, is certainly not the sole example of incompetence. Just wait until the REST of the country finds out that we've ALL been Katrina'ed or Rita'ed, that is, when everyone realizes how much has been wasted on the fool's errand overseas...and how little will be left to actually DO the things governments should do.

In just a couple of weeks we'll have the chance to deliver a vote of no-confidence in government by assclowns. Alas, we won't be throwing the executive branch bastards out, but it can be a message nonetheness, and perhaps a sign that this nation is slowly returning to a measure of sanity, rather than the limbic spasms that vicious, ugly bastard Karl Rove's been busy exploiting.

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