Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Side Effects Include Ditziness

No shit, Ms. First Lady: a bomb a day IS pretty fucking discouraging, if you're human...which really makes me wonder about Big Time. Pacemaker? Bullshit: whatever Dick is, it doesn't have a pulse.

I mean, it's just goddamned amazing, in a sick, twisted way: Team Bush, five years after the fact, STILL can't resist barking "9/11" at every opportunity, expecting, and often getting, the Pavlovian response of fear, loathing, and fury. But Iraqis are supposed to just forget about the daily violence that's been our special gift to them.

Sort of like how New Orleans is supposed to forget about the flood. Because the administation can't exploit it.

Hell, maybe they should just give us all a massive dose of whatever Laura Bush is on. Because that's some whack shit.

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