Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Flip Side of "Bring The Troops Home"...

...is "gamble them away on a losing bet."

At least it is at this point, which is why it's good to see that, for now, the Senate has retained the timetable for withdrawal in the most recent appropriation.

Meanwhile, Iraq continues its very Bush-like crash and burn trajectory.

Not to be flippant, but these days, when I hear the Shruberor bark-not-so-eloquent on the subject of Mesopotamia, I can't decide if I'm listening to...a particularly stupid driver insisting he's not lost, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, or an equally stupid gambler who refuses to recognize his declared limit and wants to throw away...well, enough of the flippancy: wants to throw away more US soldiers' lives...and probably doesn't give a fart, much less a shit, about dead Iraqis, nor does he give a damn about the money spent (a lot of which is being funneled into the grubby fingers and hands of his political partners-in-crime, which is not a pun).

We'll see where this all goes (my hunch is not-nearly-far-enough) but AT LAST someone is finally telling this spoiled scion/frat boy that enough is enough, hand over the car keys, time to call it a day.

It's the entire country, though, that's in store for an epic sized hangover, and it's not going to be pretty.

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