Monday, June 25, 2007

A/K/A "The Rat"

The huffy indignation of Team Bush and the Legion of Vicious Incompetents never ceases to amaze me:

Ex-EPA chief Christie Whitman denounced as "downright falsehoods" the criticism of her assurances that it was safe to breathe the air around the fallen World Trade Center.

"There are people to blame. They are the terrorists that attacked the United States, not the men and women of all levels of government," Whitman said Monday at a hearing where she faced some of her toughest congressional critics.

So, it's the terrorists' fault that Whitman falsely pronounced Ground Zero conditions "safe" in the aftermath of the attacks. Just like it's the terrorists' fault that King Dick and his court jester Shrub couldn't be bothered by a volume of intelligence large enough to necessitate a Presidential Daily Briefing on the matter...

And, of course, "protecting the American people" wasn't actually a presidential responsibility until 9/12/01, and can only be accomplished by endless conflict in the single type of warfare (urban guerrilla) where overwhelming force is NOT a decisive factor.

I think I picked the wrong week to quit drinking Victory Gin...

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