Tuesday, July 10, 2007

"Stay the Course"

The Shrub Limited

What a pathetic little man:

Mr. Bush told the Cleveland audience that he appeciates "how tough it is on our psyche" to be fighting a war, and that he never wanted to be "a war president."

"I fully understand that when you watch the violence on TV every night, people are saying, is it worth it? Can we accomplish an objective?" Mr. Bush said. "Well, first, I want to tell you, yes, we can accomplish and win this fight in Iraq. And secondly, I want to tell you, we must, for the sake of our children and our grandchildren."

The president said his commitment to building a free Iraq stems from the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and his determination not to allow America to be caught unaware again. He has long described the campaign in Iraq as part of a wider war on terror. His critics have long accused him of falsely implying a link between Iraq and the Sept. 11 attacks.

Mr. Bush told the audience that an American failure in Iraq would embolden terrorists and encourage attacks on the United States, but that success in Iraq would mean a stable, democratic government there that would be an anchor for the Middle East.

The White House issued a statement in advance of the president’s remarks, accusing his harshest critics of spreading a "myth" that the war was already lost, contrary to the opinions of American military leaders and diplomats.

In other words, the same, sorry crap, with the same, certain outcome. First, if it's so goddamned important, then there should be a general call up/draft/whatever you want to call it, and a general mobilization...and genuine tax increases to pay for it. Second, if withdrawing "emboldens our enemies," then what the hell does killing American soldiers on a daily basis do? It certainly doesn't seem to scare them, although the very real prospect of winding up dead isn't exactly a winning message for our military recruiters. Finally, it's one thing to do something strategically dumb, like invade Iraq...but then insisting on the tactical stupidity of urban guerrilla warfare, well...if that's NOT grounds for impeachment, it should be.

Oh, and Shrub's insistence that he "never wanted to be a war president" ? Well, if that isn't the last refuge of this particular scoundrel. The boy chimperor couldn't get fitted for a flight suit fast enough, and his pathetic "bring 'em on" taunt literally reeked of schoolyard cowardice...too bad it wasn't a schoolyard, but a very serious and deadly business. What a coward...and a liar.

Or maybe it's just that Shrub never wanted to be a war president...who lost the war. Well, that's the chance you took when you started it, asshole. And regardless of the price you'll pay in history's judgement (the worst president of the modern era), you should consider yourself pretty damn lucky, compared to all those who've suffered or died, thanks to your foolishness.

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