Thursday, August 02, 2007

Taliban Dick

WIIIAI points to this startlingly open admission by the Dick that his deepest held principles undermine the war effort:

At his confirmation hearings...Michael Mullen...said [Iraqi politicians] "need to view politics and democracy as more than just majority rule, winner-take-all, or a zero-sum game." On Larry King, possibly at that very moment, Dick Cheney was saying, "Remember, success for a politician is 50 percent plus one, you don’t have to have everybody on board."

As the picture of the bumper sticker posted at Dependable Renegade said, "Dick Cheney before he Dicks You."

And...unrelated, but also at WIIIAI, this article demontrating how an Italian MP responded to allegations of soliticing prostitutes. Vitty might could learn a few lessons. Here's a sample:

Asked if he had paid the girl for sex, Mr. Mele replied: “Not exactly. I spontaneously gave her a present.” Pressed further, he admitted that the present had been a sum in cash, “though not excessive”. He denied reports that he had taken part in a threesome, saying that although there had been another woman present she had only chatted to the first woman in the suite’s sitting room while he lay in bed watching television. “I think I fell asleep while they were talking,” he said.

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