Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The Trifecta

I don't know if you could find a better example of the sheer smug-ugliness that defines the Bush administration than these three stories...unless you consider that the "free press" has, yes, filed the articles...but given in to their inner, grinning-zombie.

On the one hand, you've got Shrub asserting executive privilege--which has ALWAYS been an at best murky understanding (it's certainly NOWHERE in the Constutution) over pretty much anything and everything he pleases, while Rummy would likely deny his own first name if he thought he could get away with it...if nothing else, today's hearing did offer insight into exactly HOW stupid Rumsfeld is, which stupid as the Milky Way Galaxy is massive.

Finally, the third story focuses on the trial of Pfc. Jesse Spielman, charged with being party to the rape and murder of 14 year old child Abeer Qassim al-Janabi (hmmm...I wonder if Dubya would insist that she's "better off" now). You know, Spielman's actions are totally, utterly contemptible, as are the actions of all who carried out this horrible, gruesome, sick crime...but two things: one, they're being held accountable, well, as much as a United States Military Court can do so, and two, Spielman and at least one co-conspirator seems to have some measure of remorse, unlike the creeps who ordered them to go to Iraq.

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