Monday, October 29, 2007

Wingnut "Talent"

Late last night while relaxing--idly watching TV and knocking out a crossword puzzle from the Saturday paper--it hit me that conservative "creativity" is, well, anything but (maybe the clue: start from scratch--and answer: create--had something to do with it)...

Anyway, this morning, I couldn't help but notice a couple of photos from separate stories that really hammered the point home. First, no pun intended, from First Draft, is a post with a photo that goes a long way in countering the myth of the "Mississippi Miracle" post-Katrina (slightly modified):

Scout Prime also helpfully links to the Katrina Section of the Mississippi Sun Herald's website, in case anyone needs yet more proof.

You know, this myth, in addition to revealing the pure ugly behind professional hatemongers like Charles Krauthammer, does a huge disservice to, among others, the citizens of Mississippi, whom many will falsely believe have fully recovered.

What really struck me about the photo of what remains of Waveland's City Hall, though, is how much it looked like this photo taken in Sadiyah, Iraq (about 100 miles north of Baghdad)

Ruins are ruins, I guess. And ignoring destruction is ignoring destruction...

But, then again, speaking of destruction, in the train wreck sense of the term, well...

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