Tuesday, November 06, 2007

What You Paid For...

Of course, it's embarrassingly obvious that "the Iraqi people" in the eyes of wingnuttia have never been more than an abstract construct designed to justify revenge and aggression fantasies. That said, you'd think some of these assclowns might be shamed enough at the sheer volume of dollars being bandied about to, oh, I don't know, actually build something decent as well as profiteer on a literally unprecedented scale.


More than a year after the Parsons Corporation, the American contracting giant, promised Congress that it would fix the disastrous plumbing and shoddy construction in barracks the company built at the Baghdad police academy, the ceilings are still stained with excrement, parts of the structures are crumbling and sections of the buildings are unusable because the toilets are filthy and nonfunctioning.

The article notes the contractor used "bad pipes" for the sewage system, a reflection of a similar concession to abject greed in New Orleans...which demonstrates a consistency in Team Bush vanality as well as incompetence.

And, back to the topic at hand, there are plenty of reports and blog posts noting that 2007 has been the most dangerous year for US service personnel in Mesopotamia. So much for surge, not to mention Baker-Hamilton (remember that?).

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