Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Bond: Waterboard, Boogieboard--What's the Difference?

Kit Bond is no James fact, Kit Bond isn't even a tinpot Torquemada wanna be. As Ray McGovern points out, the Spanish didn't trifle with euphemism:

The 15 & 16 Century Spanish inquisitors were not squeamish, and had little need for "alternative set of procedures" that are part of President George W. Bush's lexicon. The Spanish called this procedure, quite plainly, "tortura del agua." Lacking cellophane, they inserted a cloth into the victim's mouth, forcing the victim to ingest water spilled from a jar starting the drowning process. Four centuries later, the Gestapo put out several technically improved releases of this operating system of torture, so to speak.

No, we should call Kit Bond and all the others like him what they are: vicarious sadists, loathsome enough, but utterly lacking the courage of their creepy convictions...

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