Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Life in the Slow Lane

Not that anyone with a few functioning brain cells should be all that surprised, but Team Bush only seems to whine about bureaucracy when it gets in the way of their wholesale looting of treasury funds (e.g., the war of choice in Iraq)...turns out they CAN'T GET ENOUGH bureaucracy when it comes to abandoning entire regions of the United States:

A week after Hurricane Katrina, a senior official with the Federal Emergency Management Agency in charge of streamlining the flow of disaster aid issued a directive that would have helped a staggering 1,029 rebuilding projects and $5.3 billion in funds cut through the agency’s infamous red tape.

But in a decision critics say led to losing precious time in the post-storm recovery, her three-day deadline to clear projects through a final bureaucratic hurdle was rejected. The rebuilding of schools, roads, hospitals, firehouses and other desperately needed infrastructure was stalled for months of interagency reviews that ended at the White House Office of Management and Budget.

If you've got the time, read the entire article. It really captures the essence of Team Bush indifference, and again, is worth contrasting with their tantrum-like behavior when it comes to things like warrantless wiretapping (and retroactive immunity), Terry Schiavo, the wars, tax cuts for the rich, etc. Talk about hypocrisy.

In fact, about the only thing they've shown less enthusiasm towards (if not more bureaucratic indifference) has been the anthrax attacks. Hmmm...

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