Monday, February 04, 2008

Keystone Kondi or "Closest Confidante"

Not that anyone should be surprised by this, or by the general ineptitude of then Nat'l Security Advisor now Secretary of State Rice...personally, I've thought for a while now that one of the big answers to the whole 9/11 tragedy's been essentially hiding in plain sight, namely Rice's own sworn testimony before the commission:

Let me read you some of the actual chatter that we picked up that spring and summer: "Unbelievable news coming in weeks," "Big event ... there will be a very, very, very, very big uproar," "There will be attacks in the near future."

Troubling, yes. But they don't tell us when; they don't tell us where; they don't tell us who; and they don't tell us how.

In other words, they were either waiting for the attack...or, hell, I don't know, hoping to get a calling card/RSVP from Osama, conveniently indicating the time, place, method, and individuals. What they DIDN'T do was...get off their sorry asses and do some investigating...or direct their staff to do so.

Talk about the soft bigotry of low expectations.

A very humble thanks to Blue Gal and the Rude Pundit for the Amnesty Day links.

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