Monday, March 03, 2008

Ask First Whom the Crime Profits

As Kevin Drum points out, telcom immunity, from THEIR point of view, is pretty much a moot issue...for one thing, they've probably got extensive, written agreements with the government guaranteeing indemnity.

Duh. And while I didn't think of it until reading the post, that makes perfect sense. Large telcos aren't dumb, neither are they poor--any company lawyer who DIDN'T work out an indemnity deal would and should be canned.

Which means that Shrub's near hysteria in insisting on immunity provisions has always been a matter of covering his guilty ass, with more than a little help from Congress and the media.

Joe Stalin would either be proud...or envious: you don't even need a secret police to, ahem, ensure abject compliance and utter loyalty.

On the really, really sad side, it's also evident that at least some people don't care enough about their privacy to be outraged by this illegal intrusion--that speaks volumes, and not in a good way.

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