Monday, April 28, 2008


From Rising Hegemon.

Must be You Tube Monday

Not that it's likely to get the attention it should--after all, people cling to myths with a stunning ferocity, and no myth is clung to more than "lazy government employees"--but this story blows a big old hole right through the concept of innate "private sector superiority:"

"The competitive sourcing initiative did little to improve management, produced a ton of worthless paper, demoralized thousands of workers and cost a bundle, all to prove that federal employees are pretty good after all," said Paul C. Light, a professor of government at New York University's Wagner Graduate School of Public Service.

Duh. Despite incessant wingnut shrieking, the plain truth is that some things are best handled by the private sector, others are best dealt with on the public side, and yet more goods, services, or whatnot are best handled in partnership...well, provided there's some degree of accountability.

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