Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Lone Fundraiser

I suppose it's some small solace that Shrub must be painfully aware of the fact that the ONLY thing he's good for these days is pulling in bundles of cash before he IS thanked and then told to beat it. At some level, that's gotta hurt, as will the his presidential ranking at the extreme bottom (don't believe for a second that he's unaware or isn't concerned about that stuff...bullshit.)

The AP story doesn't say exactly how he manages to pull in so much money, but I'm guessing it's a mix and match of the prestige of the office and that among the 20 percent diehards there are probably a few filthy rich dunderheads who've managed to do well enough these past eight years.

Still, so much for the permanent Rethuglican majority...thank heavens.

And you've gotta appreciate--but not in a good way--the sheer cynicism of this:

In a time-honored practice by presidents on the trail, Bush has scheduled non-campaign events on his three-day, five-state trip, which helps defray the enormous costs of hosting the presidential entourage for which candidates must pay.

So much for free enterprise...

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