Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Neo-Con Movement Has a Thousand Eyes

Idea shamelessly stolen from Sadly, No!

It's instructive to watch and witness the extended reaction from Team Bush to Scotty's act of disloyalty. On the one hand, you've got their usual Pavlovian tendency towards demonizing; yet, instead of the monkey howling glee that normally accompanies this reaction, there's a certain tiredness, the same sort of tired you see when an old junkyard dog just gives up, realizing that even if it COULD chase whatever it is, what's the use? Almost makes you feel sorry for them...

Except for the fact that they've been taking a group shit on the Constitution as well as established principles of good government for the last eight years, basically working to turn this country into the world's largest banana republic (or Texas).

So, no, I don't feel sorry for 'em. To paraphrase their grand decider, they "brought it on."

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