Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sad to Say, This Probably Helps Him

Living it up at Angola

And not just down here in the Gret Stet or the rest of the Deep Fried South, but throughout the country.

It's a measure of how low debate's sunk when you realize that castration, chemical or otherwise, is 'acceptable' punishment in no small part because ANY suggestion that society should perhaps refrain from sinking to such depths generates, in Wingnuttiastan, a never-ending chorus/rant alleging 'softness' on if not complicity with child rapists.

As if a life sentence at LSP/Angola is the equivalent of a tropical isle vacation.

Well, they've got "cable" tv.

And a level of barbarity that I doubt anyone who hasn't been to prison could ever fully grasp. Prison is no picnic, but trying to make that point to the 'nuts is well nigh impossible.

That attitude could change, however, if there was any REAL justice, which would certainly result in any number of Wingnuttiastan Heroes, First or Second Class, earning an extended stay at the Gray Bar Hotel.

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