Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Religious Quackery
From 2Millionth Web Log

Personally, I'm secular. That said, I don't go out of my way to mock other's beliefs. But this nonsense about Obama being the Antichrist--and Newsweek's apparent serious article--is wack, pure and simple. And goddamned sickening.

As is Newtie's little rant of victimhood.

Right now I'm trying to finish reading a book about Al Qaeda. Foolishly, I didn't start reading it until a week before it's due back at the library, because it's a quite fascinating look into the motivations of Islamic radicals. Interestingly enough, they have the same lunatic self-assurance as their Christianist counterparts. Lunatic self-assurance that can label a middle-of-the-road politician as "the Antichrist," or call for slamming hijacked airplanes into office buildings. And we all end up suffering the consequences of their lunacy.

If there IS a God, it'd be nice if She'd just make it stop.

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