Monday, January 12, 2009

Make it Stop. Please.

Whenever George W. Bush defends his performance with regards to Katrina and the flood, I'm reminded of Bill Hicks channeling LAPD Officer Koon from the Rodney King beating incident:

It all depends on how you look at the tape...for instance, if you look at it backwards, were helping [King] on his feet and sending him on his way.

I guess in a similar vein, Shrub must think that if we just run it all backwards, he's draining the city, fixing the levee and floodwall breaches and welcoming people back into their homes. Mission accomplished.

It continues to amaze me that the people crowing the loudest about "no terrorist attacks after 9/11!" (as if he's allowed a mulligan on that one) don't note the tragic irony of losing a city to what could just as easily BEEN an act of terror (after all, it was an act of negligence--poor design and maintenance of levees and floodwalls--that caused the damage, not Mother Nature.)

And New Orleans isn't the only city that Bush administration policies ravaged. In fact, I'd bet that you can go to almost any city in this country and see damage somewhere.

But Shrub's blind to that. Instead, he's managed to delude himself into thinking he's done a "heckuva job."

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