Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Like Getting a Lecture on Table Manners From Mr. Creosote

From Album4
Full disclosure, I'm starting to get a little large and soft around the middle myself -- such is aging -- so I try to avoid this kind of criticism. But goddamn:
...New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) is warning against a nation filled with "a bunch of people sittin' on a couch waiting for their next government check." ... "I think it's really simple: it's because government's now telling them 'stop dreaming, stop striving, we'll take care of you.' We're turning into a paternalistic entitlement society."
Chris Christie? Here's a guy who saw nothing wrong with demanding a fucking State helicopter take him to his kid's baseball game...AND a motorcade for the hundred yards between the landing site and diamond. A guy who routinely, no pun intended, went way big with luxury hotels on the gubmit's dime while a US Attorney.

And he's going to suggest that people who expect decent services from their government, which, last I checked, is still nominally a democracy, i.e., self-government, i.e., services from ourselves, are somehow lazy?

Oh, and speaking of lazy, it looks like the governor either couldn't or wouldn't do the math when it came to a major public works project (search for "tunnel"). Figures.

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